Meditation-A Practice To Train Your Mind
Aum Harshita
Meditation …….what comes in your mind when we listen the word meditation?
Meditation is a practice where you Train Your Mind or induce a state of consciousness .Meditation is something that prevents stress from getting into the bodily system and already pent up stress are let out learning.
How to meditate can help you to achieve success faster because when your mind is clear and focused and your body is relaxed and calm you can access information, both internal and external that can help you make better decisions. You can meditate to realise some benefits such as relaxation and stress reduction healing or trending your life force or for developing certain qualities such as love, patience, generosity and forgiveness. Do you ever find yourself irritated and it gets in the way of your performance? Are you ever so stressed out that you can’t sleep at night ?Are you ever so overwhelmed you just can’t seem to stay focused do you ever has make a major decision and just don’t know which way to go? Or you’re looking for a solution to a problem and you just can’t find it? Meditation can help with all these things focusing on breathing, visualisation ,Mantra as on meditation music can help bring mindfulness to the present moment. This sets the stage to calm your mind .Meditation can also be used to access inner wisdom and insight from your own higher unconscious or from a Universal power often referred to as God, infinite intelligence, Universal conscious or source. It is also helps in developing your intuition. It can help to create longevity for a better life .Some of the spiritual benefits of meditation includes greater Awareness of the world around you and a deep connection to yourself at your purpose the reality is that your focusing on things so that everything is begins to drop away during meditation your mind quiets. You are able to assess your subconscious mind when you first start meditating you notice that your mind begins to wander if you sit with your eyes closed trying not to think a thought, you are probably end up pretty frustrated because your mind will tend to wander and you think your failing this is ok .
Remember: meditation takes practice.
It’s much easier when you have guidance, when there’s meditation music when someone was guiding you through the steps your mind doesn’t wander as much as it much easier to follow along and not get lost in all the stories and to do lists and the thinking about the past and worrying about the future that we normally do .
That’s what I want to do for you.
Aum Harshita
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